Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mobile Phones while driving

In the middle of technology revolutions, the life becomes easier. And mobile phones have spread all around the world; the mobile phone is an important device and so cheap that every person can have it.

First of all, the mobile phone is necessary in our lives; it is a simple device used to chat with others; however it is a helpful device to finish your own necessary business. But I notice some drivers use mobiles while they are driving the car. In my opinion, it is useful when you travel to another country with no worries to find the right positions about the way while driving, by using the mobile navigation; it is connecting data from satellites directly through your mobile to give you the live directions to your way. On the other hand some drivers try to use mobile phone in a negative way and these attitudes will cause accidents on the roads. In addition, there is another benefit from using mobile phones; there is a modern service named SOS; by using this service you can make an emergency call center while you are driving the car to get some help, for example, if your battery died in the middle of desert and no one was there to support you, by calling SOS service the satellite takes a signal from your mobile and transfers it to central office and shows your position, to send help.

Although, some drivers not follow the police traffic rules, chatting in the mobile phone while driving, do this attitude will makes him lose they are  focus in the road while he or she is driving and this causes accidents. Another negative attitudes, playing on mobile phones while driving, for example, sms chatting is one of big driver mistakes to you need keep your eyes direct on the road at all times.

In conclusion, the mobile phone is good if used in a good positive way.
Word count (321).

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The underground train systems

Transport becomes important in this moment; people try to use, for example, cars and trains. In this essay I will try to describe the underground systems operating in 5 cities.
First of all, I will try to talk about the London city, since 1863, the city opened the underground train system, and length was simple at that time, around 394 Km. In addition, in 2010, the number of passengers was around about 77 million. Next, Paris was the second city which opened the same system, in the year 1900, after London, and for your information the length of track is a round 199 Km. In 2010, the numbers of passengers was around 189 million. After that, Tokyo opened in 1927 and the passengers who used the trains were 192 million in 2010.
In conclusion, the table shows that Kyoto has the shortest length around 11Km and also has about 45 million passengers.  
Word count (155).

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Smoking is harmful to your body; this is a logo for this year. Some people are against and some support it.
It is the personal freedom of the individual to choose his way of life, however, smoking cigarettes has grown and spread all around the world. The statistics for three years ago show the number of smokers under 18  to be approximately 20%, and 40% for adults. In my opinion there are dangerous rates and we should find solutions to face this problem. I think smoking lets you spend lots of money and wastes your time. Although, smoking harms your health and life, for example, cancer and other problems. On the other hand, some smokers are against my opinion. Most of them smoke to erase their problems. Some of them for fun and some of them are addicted for example, smoking more than 3 packets of cigarettes per day.
 I believe that smoking is more harmful than it is beneficial for your health. It causes heart disease, for example, more than 20% of smokers have heart attacks, and also cancer. The governments should try to stop smoking by lots of solutions, for example, impose high taxes for those who want to buy cigarettes, and put some logos on packets to show you how smoking affects your body.      
In conclusion, I believe governments should put some rules for smokers to stop this disease.

Word count(232).

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Road congestion in AD

Abu Dhabi has become modern and has more population than before; around 450.000 people live in the capital; now Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic in the street and tries to find possible solutions.
First of all, Abu Dhabi tries to face the traffic problems; streets have more cars and it is uncomfortable to find parking near to your house or to your work. The numbers of people are more day by day, and on the other hand people need transport. The first reason for traffic congestion is the cars; I made a study about the traffic and found for each family there were approximately three cars. It causes an imbalance in the demographics; the numbers of parking areas are few if compared to the numbers of cars. I think banks have an active role to increase these problems, by giving them loans. Or maybe the cars in the UAE are cheaper than in other countries. In addition petrol is cheaper than other countries.
The government used experienced consultants from outside the country to fix demographics and find possible solutions to face the traffic problem. After years of studies, the government put some policies to determine the number of cars for the family. That is one of the solutions to reduce the traffic. Force the drivers to pay for the parking 3DH per hour for the main streets and 2DH for back streets, to limit using the cars and reduce the numbers of cars. Another solution is expansion of the streets and building the bridges, to make it easy to move the traffic.
In conclusion, I believe government tries its best to reduce the traffic by building the bridges and expanding the streets to reduce the numbers of accidents and cars.   
Wordcount ( 290 ).

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Population Growth, 1750 to 2150

The population in the earth is increasing. In this essay I’ll try to describe the population growth in richer and poorer countries between 1750 and 2150.
First of all, the chart describes the population in 1750 as around one billion, with most people in less developed countries. Next in 1800, as you can see there is a rise of population to approximately 1.2 billion. After that, in 1850 the chart shows us the rise of population round about 1.3 billion, with more people in less developed countries. Next, in the year 2000, the population has increased more than before, around 6.1 billion. The statistics in the year 2050 show an increase of population to round about 8 billion.

In conclusion, the statistics show the biggest population in 2150 and the smallest population in the year 1750.
Word Count ( 140 ).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reflection 3

This semester learned how to write pie charts and how to improve my skill in writing, such as Valentine's Day gifts. In addition we used problem and solution essays; try to explain to topic and comment about it. I thing in each semester I a prove my skill

Thursday, March 24, 2011

City growth

The world population are is increasing, which shows in  growing cities  all around the world. In this bar graph I will explain the growth of urban agglomerations between 1950 and 2015.
First of all, In 1950 the population in London was around 7,000,000 and 6,700,000 in 1970. Next in Egypt, the statistics showed from year 1950 the population was around 2,000,000 ; after 30 years still the Cairo city had reached about 10,000,000 and after 15 years Egypt country had  over  15,000,000. Next in New York City, 11,000,000 in 1950, and 16,000,000 in 1970. In China around about 5, 000,000, and in 2000 round about 11,500,000 . In Bombay , 4,000,000 in 1950, 6,000,000 in 1970. Sao Paolo city, in 1959 was round about 2,500,000 and 2,000,000 in 2015.
In conclusion, the highest population is 2,000,000 in Tokyo and the lowest population in 1950 was in Ligos.    
Word count (146)