Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Date Production

The UAE is famous for producing dates; it is part of our traditional heritage. In this essay I will describe the chart which shows the top ten date producing countries in 2001.
First of all, Egypt was the leading country in production of dates, around 1,100,000 tonnes. Then Iran was the second country in production, about 900,000 tonnes; the difference  between them was around 200,000 tonnes. Next the UAE takes the third seat with approximately 700,000 tons per year. After that, in Saudi Arabia the annual production was around 650,000 tonnes; 50,000 tonnes between the UAE and Saudi. Iraq and Pakistan have the same rate around 610,000 tons per year. Then, Algeria’s production is around 390,000 tons per year. Next, as you can see Oman produced 210,000 tonnes. In addition Sudan produced about 190,000 tonnes. Finally, Libya had the smallest production Approximately 180,000 tonnes.
In conclusion Egypt has the highest production and Libya had the lowest production of dates.  
Wordcount ( 159 ).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valintines Day Gifts

On Valentine’s Day everyone likes to give gifts for others. In this essay I will write about these pie charts which show us the types of gifts men and women in the U.S give to each other on this occasion.
First of all, more women send cards, around 27% in contrast to the men 18%. Next, still the woman take the top of candy gifts 21% but the men around 14%. In addition as you can see in the pie chart 16% of men give flowers and 11% of women. The men know that women like jewelry; as you can see in the chart, 10% of men and 9% of women give jewelry.7% of men and 4% of women give lingerie gifts. Then the perfume and cologne, 10% of women and 4% of men. After that, personal care for men is 6% and 1% for women. Finally the set of others is 25% for men and 17% for women.
In conclusion, the most beautiful thing is to remember someone and try to explain how you feel for him or her by your gifts.
Wordcount ( 183 ).

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UK Budget : Where the money goes

The UK Government spent £ 315 billion in 1996. In this essay I will explain where the UK government spent the money.
First of all, the health and personal social services spent around £ 53 billion; it is really a large sum of money. Next law and order, was around £ 17 billion. Then education, £ 38 billion; the UK government try to give to the public the best education to learn. After that the industry, agriculture and employment was around £ 13 billion. In addition the UK government spent £ 22 billion on the defense. On one other hand dept interest was £ 25 billion. Then the government spent £ 15 billion for housing, heritage and environment. Next the government spent £ 23 billion for other expenditure. After that the UK government tried to focus on the social security and it spent around £ 100 billion.
In conclusion, the biggest category was social security, which was more than   health and education combined.
Wordcount ( 163 ).