Wednesday, February 9, 2011

UK Budget : Where the money goes

The UK Government spent £ 315 billion in 1996. In this essay I will explain where the UK government spent the money.
First of all, the health and personal social services spent around £ 53 billion; it is really a large sum of money. Next law and order, was around £ 17 billion. Then education, £ 38 billion; the UK government try to give to the public the best education to learn. After that the industry, agriculture and employment was around £ 13 billion. In addition the UK government spent £ 22 billion on the defense. On one other hand dept interest was £ 25 billion. Then the government spent £ 15 billion for housing, heritage and environment. Next the government spent £ 23 billion for other expenditure. After that the UK government tried to focus on the social security and it spent around £ 100 billion.
In conclusion, the biggest category was social security, which was more than   health and education combined.
Wordcount ( 163 ).

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